최신 CSTE 무료덤프 - Software Certifications CSTE Certified Software Test Engineer (CSTE)

The National Quality Awards provide a basis for successful benchmarking against other companies.

정답: A
The functionality/structure of the system created to solve a problem, satisfy a user need (note that this is the creative part of the design process) is known as the fishbone diagram.

정답: A
The more common benefits associated with a service-level agreement are:

정답: C
During a proposal presentation you should

정답: D
A latent defect is the same as a fault.

정답: A
The purpose of software testing is to____________.

정답: C
The process of identifying the kinds of software failures that can occur and then quantifying how likely it is that they will actually occur is ______________.

정답: C
Quality assurance means the same as total quality control.

정답: A
The Malcolm Baldridge Award was created by Public Law 100-107, signed into law on 20th Aug 1987.

정답: A
After you have agreed on what action to take, you should repeat it back to your customer and ask your customer if it is agreeable

정답: A

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